Pick Up Policy

    After school care is provided from 3:25-5:00 Monday through Thursday for children in grades preK-8. Children will only be released to parents, guardians, or persons authorized by a parent or guardian. Parents and guardians must directly give the staff advance notice anytime a parent/guardian wants any other person, including family members, to pick up their child. Please make certain your child is picked up no later than 5:00 pm. It is the parent’s/guardian’s responsibility to contact the after school staff/school if an unforeseen event is causing delay in picking up their child. If a courtesy call is not received by staff, a call will be made to social services/law enforcement. Alternative arrangements for pick-up of your child must be on file with staff.

    Failure to pick up your child at 5:00 p.m. may result in your child being suspended from the program.
    1st Offense = 1 missed day
    2nd Offense = 2 missed days
    3rd Offense = suspended from the program for the semester

    Students leaving the after school program early need to sign out with the supervisor.

    Discipline Policy
    Browns Valley School’s philosophy is that learning can best take place in an environment which is orderly, safe, and stimulating, and which enables all students to develop to their fullest potential. The atmosphere of the school must promote fairness, courtesy, honesty, and respect between students and school personnel. The responsibility for maintaining a safe, orderly school is a cooperative effort of students, school personnel, home and community.

    The After School Program is an extension of the school day. The District has adopted a school-wide discipline plan, which also applies to the After School Program.

    The following consequences for students’ inappropriate behaviors will occur:

    1. First Offense Warning
    2. Second Offense Time-out
    3. Third Offense Parent called; student suspended from the program for 1 day
    4. Fourth Offense Parent called; student suspended from the program for 3 days
    5. Fifth Offense Parent called; student suspended from the program for 1 week
    6. Sixth Offense Parent called; student suspended from the program. A conference must be held before the student is allowed to return.